Yukiko Shigeno

Rank Professor
Degree Ph.D. in Economics from Osaka University
Personal website N/A
Phone +81 6 6605 2289
E-mail shigeno at econ.osaka-cu.ac.jp (please replace “at” with “@”)


  • 1992 B.A. : Osaka University (Economics)
  • 1994 M.A. : Osaka University (Economics)
  • 1996 Ph.D. : Osaka University (Economics)


  • 1996-1997 : Research Associate, Department of Economics, Osaka University
  • 1997-1999 : Research Associate, Department of Economics, Osaka City University
  • 1999-2010 : Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Osaka City University
  • 2010- : Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Osaka City University

Class Taught

Japanese Economy

About Me

My main research interest is in Japan’s aging society with the declining birthrate.

Message to Students

I hope you are interested in many changes that occur in society.

Research Field

Japanese Economy, Labor Economics, Public Economics, Applied Microeconometrics

Research Keywords

Ageing Society, Fertility, Female Labor, Household Behavior

Affiliated Academic Organizations

Japanese Economic Association

Selected Publications:

  1. Matsuura, K. and Y. Shigeno, Women’s Decision-Making and Household Saving Behavior, (Nippon-Hyoron-sha, 2001) [written in Japanese].
  2. Shigeno, Y. “Balancing Career and Family,” in Higuchi, Y. and Policy Research Institute (ed.) Fertility Decline and Japanese Economy, (Nippon-Hyoron-sha, 2006), pp.81–114 [written in Japanese].
  3. Shigeno, Y. and K. Matsuura “Between Non-Standard Employment and Unemployment, Aging, Education: Taking into Account Coresidence and Family Background,” Journal of the Board of Audit, vol. 41, 2011, pp.55–65 [written in Japanese].